Thursday 6 April 2017

Pre-production pitch project

For Pre-production I have been putting together a pitch bible for a short story about two terrible thieves who try to break into a museum to steal an artifact. The story is still in development but here are a few pieces of character and concept art.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Eco project complete

The Eco project has now been completed, I've been really busy with it for the past few weeks and I'm now happy to say it is finished. For this project I have been doing multiple roles. Directing, modeling, rigging, animating, lighting and rendering. It has been a lot of hard but I believe it has paid off in the end. The team worked well. A lot of the responses I've been getting is that the Robot has too much movement, therefore if I had more time on this project I would go back and enhance the animation.

Overall I am very happy with this project, I had a great team behind, worked with them was a joy in itself.

Here is the final version and also a showreel of all the work I did for this project.

Life drawing

Here are a few life drawings from the past few weeks, I have been applying the skills I've been taught by Martin Morris and I believe that my life drawing is really improving, I feel that my drawings are coming out with a lot more feeling and expression compared to my drawings from past weeks.

Friday 10 March 2017

Rigged and ready

For the past week I have been having a go at rigging, it is a very hard process but after some failing I managed to get this rig working for the ECO project, I am happy with what I have learnt and I hope to be able to advance my rigging skills in the future.

I decided to do a little animation test to see how well the rig worked and looked fully rendered, so far it's looking good and I'm glad to say that the group can now move into animation.

Life Drawing with Martin Morris

This week we had Martin Morris for life drawing, he had a great drawing method for getting the best feeling out of your drawings, I am defiantly going to take his advise and try to draw more in this process as I do believe I have got more feeling across in these drawings than I have in an others.

I really enjoyed his lesson and I'm hoping he will come back again in the future.

Monday 20 February 2017

Eco storyboard

For the Eco project I have been taking the script and turning it into the storyboard, some changes has happened such as the two scenes involving the auto-pilot car and also the 3D-printing, but I believable this stage is over soon and I will be moving onto rigging.

 New frames:

Deep modeling

On the side of the Eco project I have been also helping out with a project called deep. The director in charge of the scene had decided to recreate the scene in 3D so he could try out shots, I was in charge of molding the streetlights, trees and setting up the road and stairs to the train station. Here are a few quick models I put together for the street.

Character design development task

During pre-production we were given a cool new way of coming up with character designs, we had to  cut out random shapes out of paper and stuck them together to create a character's silhouette. After this we draw our character out, tried squeezing our character into multiple random shapes and then took the character on a journey on a doodle line. I really do like this way of designing, it's very simple task but I found ti worked very well at making try out different shapes you wouldn't usual think of to create a character. This was very useful to me and I will be using this process again for quick character design.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Anna Whitmore the Witch

I have been doing more research lately into Photoshop, I've been trying to find a better way of tackling colouring as I am still learning the digital painting process. I have found a few good people such as two youtubers, Kienan Lafferty and Draw with Jazza.  Both have been extremely useful and with that I have managed to create something that I am actually really proud of.

Firstly taking the knowledge of creating characters I decided to do a few silhouette drawings and from there I decided I wanted to design a witch character, from here I quickly draw out whatever came out of my head, not worrying about how it looked, once I had more of an idea I tried out a few drawing poses for what I wanted until I had a sketch I was happy with. From here I took it into Photoshop and and started the process of adding tone and colour over time through the use of clipping masks and effects until I had the final image.

With this knowledge I now have more of a process when it comes to creating digital art within Photoshop.

Kienan Lafferty:

Draw with Jazza:



ECO projects (E-Motion)

For the Eco project I have been managing a team into who should be doing what, I decided that I would do a quick drawing of our main character for the eco technology story that we are creating.

This robot is called TX392, it is his job to show you (the viewer) new technological advancements which could help make a brighter future. We are still finalizing the script but the character is now at a state in which we can take it into modeling.

Life drawing movement tryouts

In life drawing we have been looking at the movement of characters. I found these exercises interesting to do and in some ways hard as having to draw over drawings sometimes created the drawings to become mixed and hard to read. Overall it was useful to look at for the arcs of the person who was modeling but I still need to become more confident with my drawings before I can truly get the most out of these sessions. I need to keep with it and try to be more loose with my drawing style to bring out the true character my drawings are trying to recreate.