Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Key poses with Mery

Here are my latest pose tryouts. From doing this exercise I've learnt a lot from the whole role the animator takes, and how understanding the inner feeling for the character is as important as planning out your animation as it will help bring feeling to the character. It's most important to hit these feelings within the key frames, as these will determine how the in-betweens and the final animation will look and feel to the audience .

The image above represents a character who has just seen something amazing, she is happy yet at the same time relieved that whatever is happening in front of her has happened, so in a way she is looking forward to the future as a heavy burden has been lifted from her shoulders.
This image shows her to be concentrating on achieving her task but she is trying to look confident, and a bit stylish at the same time as she knows that believing you can do something is half of the battle, therefore she is determined.
This image represents the character as relaxed, she feels as if she has had a lot on today but now it's all over and she can finally relax. While relaxing she has that small feeling for relief and finally has some time to dream and think of other things.
Here she is shown as being shocked and yet confused at what she is seeing. In her mind she is trying to come to terms with what is happening yet is so furious that she needs to swing her hands and just pause and ask....... why.
Here she is shy and not quite sure about the situation she is in; she is wanting to pull herself away than tackle or talk to whoever is interacting with her. She is not in her confront zone and is still trying to adjust to her new surroundings.

Thanks again for the awesome rig called Mery. She came from
These photo were rendered using Renderman. Thanks once again Pixar

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