Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The bouncing ball

This here is my first try at the bouncing ball, I believe that I've managed to get a good sense on movement without squash and stretch but the animation does need to be tidied up a bit. I do need to go over how to bring down the amount of cells to bring the animation to 12fps instead of 24fps, might save me a bit of time on the next animation.

Sunday, 27 September 2015


This was the first little task given for this year, the toy which I chose to draw in many different places was a small cube like rabbit called Bunny. I am proud of these drawings as I believe that I captured it's interaction within different environments very well but I still need to work on my drawing speed.


Hello and welcome to this wonderful blog all about my animation studies, within this blog I will be sharing my work and progression of my studies over the next few years and I may even share some of my own, personal work. So keep a look out, you never know what will be uploaded next!!!